Refund Policy

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Refund Policy

A full refund will be provided for orders that are cancelled before collection. To cancel your order, please send an email to [email protected], Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 6:00 pm, Saturdays 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.

Refunds will not be given for failed collections. If your parcel is not picked up during the scheduled time, please reach out to us to arrange a new collection.

Transit times are not guaranteed, so refunds are generally not available for delayed shipments unless it can be demonstrated that the carrier was negligent. In the rare case of parcel loss or damage, you may receive up to 100% of your shipping costs back if your claim is approved. (Please note: TNT claims for damage will only be accepted if the parcel is signed for as damaged at the time of delivery).

You can purchase additional coverage for your parcel's contents when you book. For more details, please check our insurance page. Please be aware that insurance cover is non-refundable once the shipment has been collected or dropped off.

If your parcel is returned without having left the UK due to inadequate packaging, incorrect documentation, or prohibited items found in your shipment, you will be responsible for the UK shipping costs and will receive a partial refund for the overseas shipping costs.

For UPS shipments only: if your parcel is returned to you without having left the UK due to failing an X-ray screening (i.e. if it is deemed "too dense for X-ray"), you will receive a full refund.