Shop Integrations

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API Integration

EurtoEurto Express provides a variety of API options that simplify the process of booking shipping for your shop orders.

With our importers, you can easily quote, book, and track shipments from various e-commerce platforms all within your Eurto account. Our plugins allow you to offer our shipping services directly to your customers.

Select from services offered by leading global parcel companies such as DHL, DPD, DX, Evri, Landmark Global, FedEx, TNT, UPS and USPS - with delivery available to over 200 territories worldwide. Instantly compare prices and save on shipping costs compared to booking directly with these companies.

E-commerce simplified with our all-in-one shipping solutions

Our integration options at a glance

  eBay Etsy Magento Shopify WooCommerce Shiptheory Linnworks Eurto API
Integration Type: Importer Importer Importer Importer Importer Plugin Plugin Custom
Get quotes and make bookings via your Eurto Express account Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Automatically import delivery address information to your Eurto Express account Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Transfer product information from your store to automatically fill out contents declarations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes      
Install an app on the e-commerce platform           Yes Yes  
Get quotes via the e-commerce platform/external website           Yes Yes Yes
Make bookings via the e-commerce platform/external website           Yes Yes Yes
Custom website development required               Yes

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