Our Promise

Our Promise

  • To provide professional, efficient and high quality advice and services
  • To maintain honesty and transparency, taking responsibility for our actions
  • To treat customers fairly, impartially and consistently
  • To utilize customer feedback, comments, and complaints to enhance our services moving forward.

Our Standards of Service:

When you call us by phone:

  • We will introduce ourselves and the company in a friendly and professional way.
  • We understand that people prefer talking to real individuals, so we will ensure you can easily connect with one of our approachable customer service advisors, avoiding automated voice systems.
  • Our goal is to answer 90% of calls within 30 seconds.
  • We will communicate clearly, providing straightforward and concise advice.
  • We will minimize hold times and will not keep you waiting for more than 4 minutes without checking back in.
  • If the hold time exceeds 4 minutes, we will always offer to call you back.

When you write to us:

  • We will acknowledge your message within one business day.
  • We will provide a realistic timeline for addressing your inquiry if it cannot be resolved immediately.
  • Our replies will be professional and courteous.

When you chat with us:

  • We will respond within 30 seconds.
  • We will ensure that the information we provide is accurate and of high quality.
  • You will have the chance to rate your chat experience.

When you visit us in person:

  • We will greet you warmly and politely.
  • We will keep your wait time to a minimum and inform you of any delays.


We are dedicated to fulfilling our commitments and meeting our service goals, but we understand that not everything goes as expected. If you are dissatisfied with the service or advice provided, we encourage you to reach out to our Customer Service team, who will work to address your concerns promptly. If you are still not satisfied with the resolution, please contact our Customer Care team at [email protected] for further investigation.